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Everyone’s a Marketing Guru In the ever-evolving field of marketing, there’s always a new voice claiming to have all the answers. „You need a marketing strategy!” they announce, as though the phrase is a magic incantation to summon business success. The reality, though, is that „strategy” can mean something different depending on who you ask. It’s like the old story of the blind men and the elephant – each one touching a different part and describing the whole animal based on that limited perspective.

Why Research is Key In a previous piece, we dug into why a marketing strategy should be like a sturdy oak, its roots firmly planted in the fertile soil of in-depth research. Now, let’s explore further. Let’s navigate the winding paths that a research-based strategy can help you tread and unearth the mysteries it can help solve.

Deciding When You Need a Marketing Strategy „So, when do you pull the trigger and decide you need a marketing strategy?” That’s a question we often hear, but let’s flip it around for a change. When DON’T you need a marketing strategy?

Well, if you’re running a business that already has a solid marketing strategy in place, one that’s functioning like a well-oiled machine and delivering the goods, then it’s safe to say you’re in a good place. If your marketing operation is clear and effective, masterfully balancing the need for quick wins and the pursuit of long-term objectives, then you’re ahead of the curve.

The Importance of Regular Reviews and Team Understanding If you’ve adopted the practice of reviewing and fine-tuning your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) every six months or so, you’re doing something right. And if every member of your marketing team knows how their contributions fit into the bigger picture – the way each instrument contributes to the harmony in an orchestra – then you’ve hit a sweet spot.

However, if you’re reading this and thinking, „Well, that sounds great, but it doesn’t quite resemble my current situation,” then chances are you could benefit from a marketing strategy.

The Anatomy of a Solid Marketing Strategy Now, let’s delve into the anatomy of a solid marketing strategy. Picture a skilled tailor, meticulously taking measurements to craft a suit that fits one individual perfectly. This is the essence of a good marketing strategy. It’s custom-tailored for your business – unique, individual, designed to fit like a glove. That’s why we can’t just show you other companies’ strategies. They’re confidential, sure, but they’re also unique as a snowflake in a blizzard.

Blueprints for Success What we can do, though, is guide you through the process of creating your bespoke strategy. Crafting a marketing strategy is a bit like building a dream house. It starts with a blueprint – a strategic model. Over the years, we’ve assembled a toolkit of proven models. We use these to create a robust framework for your strategy, much like an architect uses blueprints to ensure the final structure is solid, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.

Kickoff Meeting and Research Phase The process of selecting the right blueprint commences during the initial stages of our collaboration – in the kickoff meeting and the research phase. This phase is similar to scouting the perfect plot of land for your dream house. We get to know your company, your challenges, your objectives. We take a deep dive into your world.

Building on a Strong Foundation Once we’ve chosen the appropriate blueprint or strategic model, we roll up our sleeves and start the construction phase. This model is like the skeleton of your strategy. It provides the structure, the limits, and the potential within which we’ll craft a unique, compelling marketing strategy.

The Magic of Unique Content Then comes the real magic – infusing this skeletal structure with life, with unique content that makes your strategy truly yours. This is like designing the interior of your house, picking the perfect wallpaper, the cozy furniture, the vibrant artworks that make it a home, not just a building.

The End Result The result of the marketing strategy is a better understanding of how goals could and should be reached, simpler decision-making, smooth execution, long-term guidelines, the establishment of specific KPIs and their corresponding measurement system, easy year-by-year planning, and easier communication between marketing professionals and company decision-makers. A solid marketing strategy is like a compass. It points you towards your goals, simplifies decision-making, smooths out execution, and sets the groundwork for long-term success. With it, communication within your team becomes more straightforward, and planning for the next steps becomes less daunting. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


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Kormos Nikolett

"Az adatvezérelt marketing a kvantitatív-kvalitatív skála egyik végpontja, a másik végpont az empátia és az intuíció. Nekem a legizgalmasabb, hogy az egyedi esetekben milyen arányban és hogyan kell ezeket vegyíteni ahhoz, hogy effektív, akár game changer megoldást kapjunk."

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Schillinger Zsuzsanna

Schillinger Zsuzsi

"Mit jelent nekem a stratégiaalkotás? Azt, amikor a nagy egységet apró részeire bontom, majd a részek elemzése után rájövök, hogyan lehet őket ismét egy nagy egésszé alakítani, amely viszont immár a kiinduló pontnál jóval hatékonyabb lesz. Hiszek abban, hogy a siker a részletekben rejlik ."

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